Why you should care – part one: companies

Every day we see mistakes made by companies – the missing comma on the shampoo bottle, the stray apostrophe on the shop sign, the inconsistency on a company website. And here comes the response I’ve heard the most over the years…

‘I don’t care.’

It doesn’t matter. Nobody will notice.

But here’s the thing – they will. I do. I noticed the missing comma, the useless apostrophe, and the lack of consistency on your website. And these things made me judge your company, and judge your services, in a certain way. These things make it look like you fail to work with care and attention, that you’re not very good at what you do. These things make you look unprofessional.


Do I trust the managers referred to in this sign? Do I want to rely on their expertise?

It’s the little things that can propel one company ahead of another. Little things like grammar and punctuation help me decide what I think of a company. So think about the details – pay attention to them – and give your business the chance to look professional.

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